How is Osteopathic Manual Therapy different from Chiropractics?

Osteopathic Manual Therapy and Chiropractic care are very similar in some ways, yet very different in others. Both therapies are a hands-on approach to musculo-skeletal conditions, such as back or neck pain, without the use of medication. Treatments generally also include exercise, dietary and general lifestyle advice to help maintain good mechanics of the body and prevent further injuries. Chiropractors are considered the specialists of spinal adjustments and traditionally base their treatments on the idea that any spinal problem will interfere with the body's general functions. They will use other tools such as ultrasound and TENS-machines to aid their treatments. Osteopathic Manual Therapy has similar principles, however it doesn't restrict it to spinal problems, but includes all joints and tissues of the body. Osteopathic Manual Therapists only use their hands and include other treatment modalities, such as Visceral Manipulations and Cranio-Sacral Therapy. Osteopathic treatments tend to be much longer, but not as frequent compared to Chiropractic treatments. Chiropractics was founded by D.D. Palmer in the 1890's, who was a student of metaphysics, science and later Osteopathy under Dr. A.T. Still, the founder of Osteopathy.

Do Insurance Companies cover Osteopathic Manual Therapy?

Many of the larger insurance companies will cover Osteopathic Manual Therapy provided by a therapist, who is a member of the Alberta Association of Osteopathic Manual Therapists ( Please check with your insurance company if Osteopathy is part of your health care plan and if it recognizes members of the Alberta Association of Osteopathic Manual Therapists (AAOMT). 

Your treatment will be covered by insurance if your plan includes Osteopathy or Athletic Therapy. 

Can you direct bill for Osteopathic Manual Therapy?

Direct billing for Osteopathy is only available through Green Shield.  Receipts can still be submitted to most other providers.