High Heels: The Image and the Impact!

Summer is in full swing! Ladies, it is time for short skirts and high heels!

For centuries, women have been wearing high heels for a variety of reasons. However, funnily enough, women weren’t the fist to wear high heels. According to some research, high heels first appeared in medieval times and were used by men to avoid their heels slipping through the stirrups while riding. This can still be seen in today’s riding boots, especially Cowboy boots. Later men wore them for height and elevation as a sign of nobility, privilege and power.

Over time, women started wearing heels for similar reasons as longer legs meant longer dresses which in turn meant more fabric for the dresses indicating status and wealth.

In the 1940’s and 50’s, heels reached new heights when the stiletto heal came on the market. Still to this day, women are determined to walk in these shoes.

Not only does it give them height, but it also makes them walk in a way that accentuates all female features. It makes their legs longer, their hips wiggle more when they walk and their chest comes out. Research has shown that both men and woman find women in heels far more attractive, than women in flat shoes. They are now a sign of sexuality and power.


But what does it really do to your body???

Wearing high heels makes you shift your body weight from the whole foot to the balls of the feet, which in turn brings both your hips and knees forward. Your feet are now unable to keep your body stable or act as a shock absorber. Your knees hyperextend, your hips move forward and together they take on the stress instead. All your muscles in your legs and back have to work harder to keep your body upright causing the Achilles tendon to tighten and back muscles to spasm. Additionally the natural curve in your spine will be exaggerated, causing a hyper-lordosis in your lumbar spine. This will make your vertebral joint compress. All of these changes can give rise to repetitive strain injuries and damage of the joints, such as arthritis, bunions, Achilles tendonitis and more.

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So what can you do when you choose to wear heels, because let’s face it, we all will?!

Keep the frequency and duration of wearing heels to a minimum. Don’t run in heels. Choose low heels with a large base or wedges. Make sure you frequently stretch your hips, back and calf muscles.


Now go have fun and enjoy the summer!!